Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Short Story #1-- Rainy Night Part 1

BOOM! The lightning sliced the sky with perfection. Its jagged knife edges leaving streaks in the night. Cynthia couldn't sleep at all. She tossed and turned and always ended up staring at the beautiful night sky, filled with a stormy feel. Rain poured down on the rooftop and it seemed like the rain was singing a beautiful lullaby with booming drums to keep the melody. Cynthia didn't like not being able to sleep, although it happened almost every night. She was the kind of person that was always tired even if they got twenty hours of sleep. She finally decided that she should get a glass of water or a midnight snack to fill her bottomless pit stomach of hers. Cynthia wasn't fat though, perfectly normal. She just had a active and big food need and she thanked God that she never was over 150 lbs.. Cynthia hummed the song that had been played all over the radio, Rolling in the deep by Adele, as she lumbered out of her warm bed. Cold air sliced through her night gown the minute she left her comforter, but she was used to the drafts her house always had in the winter and fall. Fall. So beautiful. She loved every bit about it and never wanted the season to change. Only maybe briefly for Christmas, her favorite holiday. Every bit of the season made her happy from the colorful rainbow leaves to the first light snow. Her floorboard's creak followed her as she made it to the oak door. She shuffled her feet around for her pink plush slippers and soon found them only a couple feet away. She thought about turning on the light, but decided not to, if the light lit up her house she would get used to it and wouldn't want to go back to sleep without the light on.Cynthia unlocked her door, and in the process bumping her wide hips against her vanity. Wide hips was her nagging bit about herself. Cynthia sighed and fumbled into the hallway ( being as graceful as she was) and saw the light of her kitchen on. Weird. She always tuned her lights on. She felt around for her brown walls as a guide when a roll of thunder shook the floor sending her toppling to the ground. She immediately felt a warm liquid on her forehead, her head throbbing from the impact from the edge of the wall. Cynthia was a worry wart and listed all the bad things in her brain that could happen if something only sort of went wrong, not according to plan. The hardwood felt cold to her as she lay face down and she rolled to one side wondering if she could reach the phone to call her friend.

Want to read more? Look for Part 2 of Rainy night. Coming Soon.

What is Short Story Retreat?

                                                                                                                              November 8, 2011
Short Story Retreat is just a writing blog, written by me. I like no, LOVE to write an maybe you just might like my stories too. The retreat part comes in, where say you had a long day at work and you just want to relax, and enjoy the moment, you can come and retreat to my little stories, ( and my long one I'm working on ) and.............. Enjoy! Thank you for visiting my site today,

Head writer of Short Story Retreat